Fri. Mar 14th, 2025

Make Us Wanna Holler (Fucking Scream)

How can we not be exhausted? How do we muster up strength to protest while being black and living our lives online?

By Cassandre Charles

Cassandre Charles is a performing and visual artists with a background in dance, technical production, multi-media arts and fine arts modeling. Cassandre is using the quarantine time to finally build a proper portfolio to further her education in the fine, movement and social justice arts.

During the quarantine, Cassandre has been working on a series entitled SUNblood, a celebration of black arts and black artists. [WORKS IN PROGRESS, SUMMER 2020]  In this issue, Cassandre shares some work prompted by the recent tragic murder of George Floyd on May 25, 2020. Artwork was done on Friday, May 29, 2020 at 4:30AM. 

“Make me wanna holler

The way they do my life”

Marvin Gaye

How can we not be exhausted? How do we muster up strength to protest while being black and living our lives online? My go-to for answers: google the topic on your mind today and type in any year. Read “This Bridge Called My Back: Writings by Radical Women of Color” (Cherríe Moraga and Gloria E. Anzaldúafor). Email me for The Lipstick Criminal Library copy, and I will happily mail it to you!

So, I’ll SAY it one last time. I am in daily fear for black boys, black men, black girls, US! I am exhausted. We are exhausted. Hollering is exhausting. 

So here’s how I will be “vocal” going forward.  Provide my resources that back up my shyt talking and art making. 

AND… If you know me you know I am a walking soundtrack. Every time (too many times) I hear of another black soul murdered, Marvin Gaye’s “Make Me Wanna Holler” gets played. It’s a private show in my head, where I have the power, confidence, and  the strength of a Black Panther circa 1971. Who the hell thought in 2020 it would still be a fantasy, cuz power…oh damn you almost got me ‘splainin’ again. 

Back to my fantasy. 

Now I can’t stop changing the lyrics to complete FUCK YOU!! My partner is on the phone NOW trying to explain to his elderly dad why they STILL can’t just be black. A conversation this black man has to have with his black son too. Over and over again!  

WE want to FUCKING SCREAM! But screaming while black will get US killed. So if you want explanations and feelings on melanated people’s daily trauma and PTSD from systematic and blatant racism from now on, GOOGLE it. 

“A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots.” Marcus Garvey. 

Now on with the show,


Cassandre Charles

Cassandre Charles

Cassandre Charles is a performing and visual artist with a background in dance, technical production, multi-media arts and fine arts modeling.

Cassandre is using the quarantine time to finally build a proper portfolio to further her education in the fine, movement and social justice arts.