Bold Ideas
There have been visionary leaders in every generation, all over the world, sharing ideas and methods for equitable, supportive alternatives that are worth striving for. But what’s YOUR Bold Idea for a healthy, sustainable future?
We are living in the collapse. But what comes next?
There have been visionaries in every generation, all over the world, who have shared ideas and methods for equitable, supportive alternatives to the status quo that are worth our attention. It takes a lot of strength to create long lasting change, but we know there is great strength in numbers. In order for us to truly move forward, we must all be brave enough to believe that the extraordinary is possible. We can’t wait around for heroes; we have to be the heroes. We are each responsible for dreaming, thinking, empathizing, and collaborating. If we’ve learned nothing else from The Great American Mask Failure of 2020, at least it’s been proven that our actions (and inactions) have consequences.
Our systems, institutions, and even interpersonal relationships are letting us down at best, and literally killing us at worst. The reality we know to be “just how it is” is largely the invention of humans. And as many of our moms have threatened at one point or another:
I brought you into this world, and I can take you out.
Enter Bold Ideas.
Let’s decide what’s next. Instead of replicating the same system under new names, let’s give ourselves some fresh goals. Let’s design what it’ll look, taste, smell, feel and sound like to live in a world actually designed for The People. We all know that it’s near impossible to motivate yourself or your team/community if there is no clear goal. So we complain, we fight, we burn out, and we submit to defeat.
Fuck that.
It’s time for us to come together, work and play together, make together, and move and grow together.
So what’s YOUR bold idea? Yeah, you. You are a living, breathing organism who is a part of this big beast called Humanity. Your complicity shapes this as much as your rebellion does. Your words and your silence matter equally. Have your choices work for, not against you.
Heard a bold idea from someone else? Learned a bold idea at a rally? Read a bold idea in a book? Please share. Not everyone has the same access to resources or education.
Got a bold idea you wrote down in your journal, or pasted together on a vision board? Don’t doubt your brilliance. This is your life, too. Let’s hear it!
Got a bold idea you and your friends talked about, but are too shy or self conscious to make moves on it? Pick a representative from the group to tell us about it.
All throughout history are stories of brilliant minds and movements that the mainstream labeled as “crazy”. So if you’re sitting there afraid to think or speak because you don’t want anyone to think you’re crazy, understand that you might actually be onto something. Replicating an old, broken system is not only lazy, but dangerous. We desperately need “crazy” right now.
Here’s a starter list of some suggested areas where we really need some Bold Ideas:
Correctional Systems
Food Supply
We would love to hear some bold categories that aren’t even listed here, too! Email us your proposals at, or submit them via the google form on our Contact page. We are committed to receiving each submission with open mindedness, curiosity, and excitement for how far our minds can stretch.
Remember that one person can’t think of everything. We will never truly know what it feels like to walk in anyone else’s shoes, which is why we need absolutely everyone right now. Let’s speak up, and let’s do a better job at listening, too. You never know who’s willing to invest in your dreams until you put yourself out there.